Have you ever thought about the cost of your health? If you are blessed to be "relatively healthy," this may not be something you've thought about---at least not in depth. Most individuals tend to take their (good) health for granted until something goes wrong. As long as you're healthy, you may not think about what your good health is worth. That is, you may take it for granted. (If you don't, more power to you.) When I refer to "cost," it means many different things. Yes, there is the obvious financial cost. When you have a medical condition, there is the cost of medical treatments, prescription medications, and possible loss of income if you are unable to work. But there are also other "costs" when it comes to your health. There are the emotional/psychological costs such as what being "ill" or having some type of medical condition means to you. How would you feel if you are no longer able to participate in the activities that you are used to doing? What kind of limitations (e.g., limited mobility, bedridden, low stamina) would you have to deal with? How would this affect your relationships (with your spouse/partner, family, children, friends, etc.)? If you are someone who works yourself "to the bone" for advancement or more income while neglecting your health, will you be well enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor after doing this for many years? Think about this for a moment.
If you have been taking your health for granted, think about what you can do to change this today. You owe it to yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, who will? Yes, we are all busy and can say, "I don't have the time (to rest/relax, eat right, exercise, etc.)." But WHEN will you have the time? You don't have to make changes all at once. You also don't have to make HUGE changes. Even what you may consider a little change will make a difference. Just take one step at a time. Make wellness a priority.
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